

Modern Prospecting in Real Estate

Long gone are the days of letterbox drops, folding paper alongside pizza delivery menus, destined for the trash. The time wasted, the dull messages – there are far more dollar-productive ways to inform local sellers about the market. The industry clings to this outdated practice, blind to the modern alternatives.

Why not focus on educating homeowners in your area and communicate in ways that matter to them? Forget the recipe of the week; they all know how to cook Spaghetti Bolognese. They want relevant information. Tailoring informative correspondence to a property owners needs will always command attention, and watch as they seek you out when it's time for an appraisal.

Replace letterbox drops with targeted SMSs to neighbours of newly-listed homes. Keep them informed with auto-generated reports every three months. With this approach, you'll be their go-to agent without any competition.

Door knockers can also help by informing residents when a home is up for sale nearby. This personal touch adds new homeowners to your database, fostering connections that matter. Coffee shop conversations may even lead to referrals and new clients.

This is how you build more than 2,000 homeowners in your database without letterbox drops, football oval signs, billboards, and gimmicks. Instead, communicate in ways that resonate with local homeowners based on their unique situations and property types.